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Typology Residential

Units 144

Population 735 person

Density 173.1/ha

Plot Ratio 2.05

Site Coverage 55%

GDA 17,383m2

Value 34m

Client Private



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Cherry Orchard comprises of four buildings which enclose a landscaped courtyard amenity space. Buildings are generally at five storeys with setbacks and height reductions at scale transition points to nearby built environments. A feature nine storey element defines the gateway at the junction of Cherry Orchard Industrial Estate Road and Kennelsfort Road Upper. The development seeks to make an improved and appropriate contribution to the South and West Street edges with provisions for increased public open space and enhanced streetscape design for varying uses that present at these locations.

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All open areas are designed to have passive supervision and visibility. Communal spaces are provided for residents, accessible off Kennelsfort road upper offering further supervision and activity at street level. A play area is provided central to the courtyard to enhance community and activity central to the scheme. Public access to the podium is provided by way of ambulant steps and a street lift.

The proposal replaces the now derelict former warehouse facility with the development delivering a proposed plot ratio of 2.05 and site coverage of 55%. The building is designed to current NZEB standards with green roofs and PV energy combined in the sustainable design. Orientation of living areas, internal and external communal spaces have been organised to maximise solar aspect for comfort with over 54% dual aspect achieved on apartments.

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Within the development all access level apartments are provided with green buffers to their amenity spaces. The majority of apartment's enjoy recessed ‘loggia’ style balconies for added privacy between neighbours’ amenities. Large sections of Cherry Orchard industrial estate road is offered as an active street front with residential amenity uses interacting with the streetscape. Public open space includes all public realm elements to offer a combined 1,356 sqm (16% of site area) over the site.

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